
Summer Session Courses

Additional course information and descriptions are available in . Additional courses are available through èßäÊÓƵGlobal Campus Acadeum Course Share.

Advising weeks are March 11 - April 5 .

Session 1 – May 27 - June 24 (4 weeks)

ART 205 Drawing I
BIO 319 Field Studies in Coastal Environments
GER 344 Modern Germany Through Cinema

Session 2 – May 27 - August 15 (12 weeks)

CJ 484 Internship in Criminal Justice & Sociology
ENG 105 The Art of Writing
MC 481 Internship in Media and Communications
REC 408 Research Methods in Sport and Recreation
RT 409 Senior Internship Recreational Therapy
SOC 484 Internship in Criminal Justice & Sociology
SPAN 111 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 112 Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 213 Intermediate Spanish
SRM 407 Internship Preparation in Sport and Recreation Managemen
SRM 409 Senior Internship in Sport and Recreation Management
WES 300 Modern Germany Through Cinema

Session 4 (Online/Graduate) – May 19 - July 3  (7 weeks)

ALNM 660 Nonprofit Management Practicum
APMU 243 Piano Skills I
BIO 100 The World of Biology
CJ 100 Intro to Criminal Justice
CJ 335 Deviant Behavior
CS 112 Computer Programming I
EDUC 510 Current Issues in Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment 
EDUC 540 Classroom & Behavior Management 
EDUC 680 Cultl Comp & Advoc in Schools
EES 133 Environment Geology with Lab
EES 320 Energy and the Environment
ENG 105 The Art of Writing
ENVS 106 Humans, Environment, & Sustainability
ENVS 326 Environmental Policy Analysis
ENVS 470 Internship in Environment Studies
ENVS 555 Water Resources Management
FR 327 France Today
HS 630 Practicum Preparation
HS 632 Mental Health & Emergency Resp Sys.
ISP 101 Fund of Information Systems
ISP 105 Spreadsheet Applications
MATH 210 Introductory Statistics
MBE 201 Introductory Macroeconomics
MBE 350 Supply Chain Management & Logistic
MBE 400 Seminar in Managerial Ethics
MBE 520 Ethical Management in a Global Environments
MBE 581 Negotiations
MC 150 Video Creation for Daily Life
MC 325 Organizational Communication
MUS 325 Advanced Musicianship I
POLS 212 Introduction to American Govt
POLS 326 Environmental Policy Analysis
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology I
PSY 351 Psychology of Gender
PSY 388 Cognition
SOC 308 Visual Sociology
SOC 335 Deviant Behavior
SOSCI 200 Integrated Learning
TH 220 Technical Theatre
WES 200 Protest Music
WES 300 Politics and Sports

Session 5 (Online/Graduate) – July 7 - August 22  (7 weeks)

ALNM 550 Human Resources & Venue Management
ALNM 660 Nonprofit Management Practicum
APMU 244 Piano Skills II
ART 208 Photography I
BIO 150 Intro to Marine Biology
CJ 387 Criminal Law
CS 212 Computer Programming II
EDUC 530 Cognition and Child and Adolescent Development
EDUC 535 Characteristics of and Adaptations for Exceptional Student Populations 
EDUC 681 Prof Collaboration for Enhnaced Leadership
EES 300 Intro to Geographic Information Systems
ENVS 103 Introduction to the Environment: Virginia
ENVS 470 Internship in Environmntal Studies
ENVS 515 Environmntal Policy, Law
ENVS 605 Environmental Cpstone Proposal
HS 635 Human Services Practicum
ISP 205 Database Applications
ISP 400 Project Management for IS
MBE 202 Introductory Microeconomics
MBE 315 Managing Diversity in Organizations
MBE 316 Marketing Principles
MBE 335 Accounting Information Systems
MBE 360 Operations Management
MBE 510 Operations & Supply Chain Management
MBE 590 Adv Strategy & Pol Integr
MC 101 Intro to Media Studies
MC 222 Public Speaking
MUS 318 Great Works
MUS 456 Music Composition Capstone
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology II
PSY 205 Lifespan Development
PSY 495 Ethics & Professional Issues
SOC 345 Foundations of Sociology
SOSCI 400 Integrating the Soc Sciences
SW 336 Lifespan Development & Behavior
TH 220 Technical Theatre
TH 304 Exploring Theatre History
WES 300 Science and Technology