
Student Success Stories

Putting Data Science to Work

Laura Robosto ‘17 (Mathematics) interned this past summer at the headquarters of Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) in Orlando, Florida. Offering a wide array of programs for its congregation, Cru employs mathematicians who utilize business software and analyze user data to make decisions that benefit the ministry.

Robosto worked on the Data Sciences and Analytics (DS&A) Team within the Digital Products and Services. She collaborated with another intern to create a dashboard that presents user data in a clear and attractive way. Dashboard users type in locations, and the dashboard then shows data that correspond to the locations through an interactive map that displays nearby resources. "Interning at Cru's International Headquarters gave me the chance to get out of my comfort zone and utilize my love for mathematics and programming to solve real world problems,” Robosto explained. “It was an amazing experience to meet people who wanted to see me succeed and help me learn new skills that will carry me for the rest of my life. My contributions will be used for years to come to help Cru grow in today's world.”