
Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (VTAG)

The Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (VTAG) is designed to provide financial assistance to Virginia domiciled residents. Awards are subject to state funding.

2024-2025 Award Amounts:

  • Residential Undergraduate: $5,125
  • Online Undergraduate: $2,560

2025-2026 Award Amounts:

  • Residential Undergraduate: $5,250
  • Online Undergraduate: $2,625


  • VTAG Application

Submit your VTAG Application by scanning and emailing to: finaid@vwu.edu

Submission Deadlines

  • Fall Start: September 15th
  • Spring Start: December 1st

Late applications may be accepted depending on state budget

General Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a Virginia domiciled resident
  • Must not have moved to Virginia for the purpose of attending post-secondary school
  • Awarded to qualifying eligible degree programs/majors only
  • Students enrolled only in a certificate-level program are not eligible for VTAG
  • Requires full-time enrollment (unless approved to receive the funds at less-than-full-time during the LAST semester of a degree program)
  • Students who received VTAG in the previous aid year do not need to submit a new application. Only students who have not received VTAG or who have broken enrollment should reapply.
  • Other criteria apply, subject to change

TAG Teacher Bonus

Undergraduate students pursuing a career in teaching are eligible for an additional $500 VTAG bonus award during their senior year.

Standard VTAG award combined with the $500 TAG Teacher Bonus award:

  • $2,500 per eligible term
  • $5,000 annually

Eligibility requirements:

  • Must be fully accepted in an undergraduate degree program
  • Must be recognized at the senior level classification for the term in which the TAG Teacher Bonus award is applied, regardless of whether or not it is the student’s graduation year. If a student’s senior year extends beyond two semesters, the student may continue to receive the TAG Teacher Bonus award provided the student meets all other VTAG eligibility requirements.
  • Must be officially enrolled in a Virginia Department of Education approved educator preparation program. Eligible programs are listed below. Students in an eligible program and meeting all other eligibility requirements will have their accounts updated automatically by the Financial Aid Office with the additional grant award.
  • Must have a standard VTAG award disbursed in the semester in which the TAG Teacher Bonus award is disbursed.  Students are ineligible for the TAG Teacher Bonus award if they are already at their VTAG lifetime limit.