
Marlin Directory

Philip Rock

Philip Rock

Professor Emeritus, Biology

Email: prock@vwu.edu

I am a microbiologist by degree.  I also teach: genetics, cell and molecular biology and a senior class on fermentation.  I have maintained the VWC worm farm for many years, using scraps from the dining hall to produce quality vermicompost.  My research interests are varied.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Nickol, B.B., C.A. Fuller, and P. Rock. 2006. Cystacanths of Oncicola venezuelensis (Acanthocephala: Oligacanthorynchidae) in Caribbean Termites and Various Paratenic Hosts in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Journal of Parasitology 92:539-542.

Fuller, C.A., Rock, P., Philips, T.J. 2003. Behavior, Color Changes and Predation Risk Induced by Acanthocephalan Parasitism in theCaribbean Termite Nasutitermes acajutlae, Caribbean Journal of Science 39: (1):128-135.

Wesleyan Welcomes High School Biology Students
Honors students from Nansemond-Suffolk Academy study microscopy at VWC on Oct. 29