
3-year Graduation Plan Education: Elementary Education PreK-6 (B.A.)

Year/Semester, Term or Session


Year 1
Fall Semester (16 hours)

INST 202 The School and Society (4 hours)
WES 100 (4 hours)
MATH 104/135/171 Introductory Math (4 hours)
BIO 100 The World of Biology (4 hours)

Year 1
January Term (4 hours)

EDUC 225 Characteristics of the Learner (4 hours)

Year 1
Spring Semester (16 hours)

MBE 100 Introduction to Economics (4 hours)
ART/MUS Your Choice (Must meeet AHC) (4 hours)
ENG 105 College Writing (4 hours)
PHSC 100 Introduction to Physical Science (4 hours)

Year 1
Summer Session (12 hours)

EDUC 266 Classroom Management and Teaching Strategies (4 hours)
EES 133 Or EES course of Choice
Elective Course (4 hours)

Year 2
Fall Semester (16 hours)

GEOG 111 Physical Geography (4 hours)
ENG 222 Teaching Grammar and Writing (4 hours)
EDUC 328 Math Teaching for Diverse Learners (4 hours)
EDUC 320 Teaching Reading and Language Arts I (4 hours)

Year 2
January Term (4 hours)

SPED 371 Foundations/Legal/Ethical Issues in Special Education (4 hours)

Year 2
Spring Semester (14 hours)

EDUC 321 Teaching Reading and Language Arts II (4 hours)
HIST 247 History of the United States (4 hours)
WES 200 (4 hours)
MATH 326 Principles of Elementary Mathematics II (4 hours)

Year 2
Summer Session (8 hours)

WES 300 Wesleyan Seminar 300 Your Choice (4 hours)
HIST 243 World History (4 hours)

Year 3
Fall Semester (17 hours)

MATH 325 Principles of Elementary Mathematics I (4 hours)
ENG 317 Children’s Literature (4 hours)
EDUC 329 Curriculum and Instruction PreK-6 (4 hours)
EDUC 330 Elementary Teaching Practicum (1 hour)
EDUC 350 Assessment and Data-Driven Instruction (4 hours)

Year 3
January Term (4 hours)

Elective Course (4 hours)

Year 3
Spring Semester (16 hours)

EDUC 434 Elementary Pre-service Teaching K-3 (8 hours)
EDUC 435 Elementary Pre-service Teaching 4-6 (8 hours)